1. When was the last time you have shared the Gospel with someone? Without looking at the picture below can you go ahead and say it? Have you ever tried to explain the Gospel to a child?




The busiest time of day for you will be during the rotation activities, when all the groups rotate from one activity to another. The following are all the activities and the directors.

POOL:  This is self-explanatory. The children will swim each day Monday – Friday in the swimming pool. We have lifeguards who are certified lifeguards and certified in First Aid/CPR. You may bring pool balls and floats if you’d like. Please be actively involved with your kids during this time.  Keep in mind that your children will need sunblock. One counselor must be on dry land at all times- not on their phone, but actually watching the kids. This is a rule.

SPORTS:  These are activities will take place either in the gymnasium or out on the field. The activities could vary from soccer games to the sack race. The counselor are required to participate with the kids.

CRAFTS:  The arts & crafts team will lead and show the children how to make various arts and crafts. This is lots of fun and allows your children to cool down inside.  Please participate with the kids and help them out, 3 people cannot do everything and control all of your kids!

WATERSLIDE:  During this time, the kids will have the chance to go on the waterslide, which will be supervised by a leader. Absolutely no unsupervised swimming in the lake! Counselors, please take an active part during this fun time, activity leaders cannot handle everything alone.  

GROUP WATER GAMES: This year we are having group games again.  The games will only be for 45 minutes and will include water games and team-building activities.  Please be active in participating!!!

GROUP TIME: Use this time wisely to go over the daily lesson, prepare for presentations, have devotional time with your kids, get to know your kids more, or clean if necessary.

SNACK TIME: Each group will have a designated box. You are responsible for making sure that the box gets put back in its designated place. No box = no snack. Snacks will be served twice a day, around 3 pm and 9 pm.

CAMP GAMES: Each camp group: younger, middle, and older camp, will participate in group games. They will be involved in team building, relays, water activities, etc. Please participate and help out in this activity.



  • Stay with your campers at all times.

  • Help your campers with all activities. The activity directors cannot handle all the kids by themselves.

  • Make sure your campers follow the camp rules. You are their guardians during camp, so keep control of your team.

  • Look over the list of your campers and pay extra attention to those that have any medical or allergy complications (perform a body check every night for rashes, bug bites, scratches, or anything suspicious - suggestions, put kids in line and ask them).  

  • Bring your counselor packet with you to camp for reference.

  • Put sunscreen/bug spray on your campers according to the event.

  • Please make sure that your campers take showers and change their clothing (parents provide clean clothes for a reason).

  • From time to time check the camper’s bed and clean it if necessary.   

  • Personal time: Each counselor can take 1 hour out of the rotation activities for her own personal time. But, only one counselor at a time from each team can be off.

  • No outside food or drinks. If you are on break and want to get food or drinks, do not bring them on camp ground.

  • No cell phone use. If you need to call someone, please do this on your own personal time. Never talk on the phone or text message in front of the children.

  • Keep the dorm rooms clean.

  • Use the main entrance to the cafeteria; you are not allowed to use the side doors.

  • Staff and Counselor curfew:  2:00 a.m. Please be respectful and obedient as you have made the choice to come to serve and not fellowship only.

  • NO DATING during camp.

  • Dress appropriately, in a Christ-like manner. Girls – shorts must be mid-thigh-length, no mini-skirts or spaghetti strap tank-tops, one piece only during swimming with shorts (shorts and tank top is an alternative). Guys no walking around shirtless.

  • Follow the schedule and arrive at all activities on time.

  • Ensure camp is a positive experience for all campers.

  • Build a sense of team unity and camper morale.

  • After the evening meetings, at least 1 person has to stay in the room with the kids.

  • Please have your kids wash their hands before eating.